
I am a Flipgrid ambassador and I would be remiss if I did not start my blogging history with this amazing app! Flipgrid is an app that allows people to record videos of their response to a prompt as a way to have class discussions where every student has a voice.  
There are many ways you can use this in the classroom and out. I have had students reflect on the topic of the day and tell what they learned in their own words. You can use it for students to introduce themselves and tell you a little about themselves.  I am currently using it as a way for teachers to record what tech-problems they are having or what they would like help with.  You can follow the twitter hashtag of #flipgridfever to open yourself to an amazing community of people that love giving #studentvoice.

Flipgrid One (the free version) allows you to create one Grid but an unlimited number of topics within that grid and unlimited videos (90 seconds max).  You also have the ability to give feedback to your students and you can even share the videos privately with their parents!

Flipgrid Classroom (the paid version) allows unlimited Grids, Topics, videos (5 minutes max), and students can respond to each other's videos.

Both versions are easy to incorporate easily into your Google classroom or any other online learning management system you use. Simply share the link with the unique code to your topic and let the kids start recording!

Here are some great ideas to get you started! Click Here for 10 ways to use Flipgrid
