
If you are looking for a way to make virtual task cards then look no further! Classkick is a great app that does just that! It allows your students to write/type/record directly on the page. It's free and works great on all platforms. I've used it with Chromebooks, iPads, and desktop computers.  Once the students have the code they complete the tasks independently and they can raise their virtual hand for help or to check their work as they continue to work through the rest of the cards. The students can even help each other if the teacher has turned on that option.

The cards can be created from PDF files, images, or created from scratch.  When creating your cards you can use text boxes, images, audio recordings, and hyperlinks for sites or videos (with upgraded to pro you can create multiple choice quizzes as well). What's great is that it can be a station/center in your class room if you are not 1:1. The teacher can see which card each student is on from their own device and discreetly remind the student to get on task or give prompts to encourage students that seems stuck.
